I wish I knew what I was meant to do in life. What is my purpose for existing? I feel as though I’m walking through life waiting for a sign telling me exactly which direction is the right one. Instead, it all seems inscrutable.

I’ve been working full time in a professional position for about a year and 11 months. I enjoy some days, others not so much. I help people in my job but mostly they yell at me and expect me to be a magician who’ll magically make all their problems disappear. There are some days where someone gives me a hug and says thank you. Those are my favorite days and I’m reminded of what it is that I’m supposed to be doing.

I just wish that in life there were huge sign posts telling us which way was the right way. I don’t want to guess that the road less traveled is the right one. There is a reason that it’s less traveled. Or is that the way to go?

I’ve been struggling in finding my purpose lately. I have a career. I’m extremely blessed to have had the education to have one, to have a job, to have family support. Yet, I feel empty like I’m not doing much with my life. I’ve taken so many career quizzes lately and at this point, I could be anything from a doctor, lawyer, engineer, secretary, to accountant, plumber, chef, contractor. There really is no middle ground.

I suppose that’s when faith really comes into play and we just have to trust that God will force us onto the right track. That’s the end goal, right? To end up in heaven. So does it really matter if I never find my life purpose as long as I’m kind to others?